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Most Popular!

FUNancial Freedom Game™

This program is only offered in Summer Camps.

Junior Level

The best way to teach children good money habits is by giving them their own money to experience. Through active participation in a fun, competitive, and simplified financial game, your children will experience “real-life” and relevant money situations.

They will “earn” their own income, budget between needs and wants, pay income taxes, give back to the community, build assets, and be introduced to the importance and advantages of Paying My Future Self First.

Prizes are given to students who achieve financial freedom in this game! Our students rate this financial game off the FUN chart!!

In addition to your child receiving a KMCents Certificate upon completion of this program, special memos are sent to you, the Chief Financial Parent, with tips on how to enhance the money lessons at home.

Junior Level

  • Grades: 4 – 6
  • Duration: Typically 1.25-3 hours per day for a week

What our FFG players say

“Honestly, in school, I actually learned barely anything like this [FFG]. I just learned to count money and what it adds up to but this course [FFG] really helped me learn about money in the future. I thought this game was actually fun and it helped me learned a lot about finances and life in general.”

– Sofia, grade 5

“I learned that you need to manage your money very carefully.”

– Jovita, grade 4

“Buy investments so you can grow your money!”

– Hewitt, grade 7

“It was really fun! I loved the different twists! I learned about what passive income is and when I’m an adult I think I will buy, like, five vending machines for passive income.”

– Laila, grade 5

“I liked all of the FFG!”

Alexa, grade 5

“At school, we learned how to not stay in debt, that’s really it. Here [FFG] you learned everything else about money. I liked everything about the FFG except for the part that I lost.”

– Lev, grade 5

“Take 20-30 years and have long-term investments!”

– Nathan, grade 4

“I learned about investments and how to make money work for you.”

– Karsten, grade 4

“My favourite part [of FFG] was getting paid!”

– Josephine, grade 5

“I loved the FFG! I liked all the surprises like Black Monday!”

– Ibad, grade 3

“I learned that you have to work for money & not use it on stupid things.”

– John, grade 4