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My Early Cents

This program is only offered as an After-School Program in select schools.

Level 1
Fall Semester

Children as young as 3 years old already understand the purchasing power of money.  We teach your young child the two sides of the money equation so she/he can gain a balanced knowledge about money!

Through fun games and activities such as fishing and picnicking, your child works with the different denominations of coins – identifying, counting, sorting, and beginning to learn the value of each coin.

KMCents’ unique Walter’s FUNtastic Bank introduces the basic concepts of a bank and your child learns that there is a limit to the money he/she can withdraw from his/her own piggy bank account!

In addition to your child receiving a KMCents Certificate upon completion of this level, special memos are sent to you, the Chief Financial Parent, with tips on how to enhance the money lessons at home.

Level 2
Winter Semester

We build on the lessons from Level 1 by helping the students understand dollars vs. cents and learning the value of money through fun games and activities that center around the basic need for food.

Level 1

  • Grades: Kindergarten
  • Duration: Typically one-hour class per week from September to December.

Level 2

  • Grades: Kindergarten
  • Duration: Typically one-hour class per week from January to March.

Level 3

  • Grades: Kindergarten
  • Duration: Typically one-hour class per week from April to June.

Like the idea of a lemonade stand, your child will participate in Walter’s FUNtastic Grocery Store where they will experience selling groceries to earn money, and work on simple money math.

KMCents’ unique Walter’s FUNtastic Bank remains open for students to practice basic bank transactions and to manage their own pretend piggy bank accounts.  Since children as young as 3 years old already understand the purchasing power of money (i.e., how to spend it), we teach your young child the flip side of the money equation (i.e., how to earn it), so your child can build knowledge about money that is balanced!

In addition to your child receiving a KMCents Certificate upon completion of this level, special memos are sent to you, the Chief Financial Parent, with tips on how to enhance the money lessons at home.

Level 3
Spring Semester

In Level 3, your child will continue to learn that Needs in life cost money, but businesses earn money. Your child will run a fun [pretend] egg farm – raising chickens, and gathering and selling the eggs – to earn money.

The students will further hone their money math skills by spending money at Walter’s FUNtastic Flower Shop! Your child will continue to manage their own piggy bank account at Walter’s FUNtastic Bank with fun bank transactions. With these activities, your child will gain hands-on experience comfortably dealing with all the Canadian coins.

In addition to your child receiving a KMCents Certificate upon completion of this level, special memos are sent to you, the Chief Financial Parent, with tips on how to enhance the money lessons at home.